Bolsas de Doutoramento disponíveis para apoiar Bolsas de Doutoramento de 3-4...

Os investigadores de Doutoramento da RSIF receberão os seguintes benefícios: A Bolsa de Doutoramento RSIF cobre as propinas universitárias...

Call For Expressions Of Interest (EoI): Commissioned Paper On “Public Engagement...

Under the auspices of the Science Granting Councils Initiative (SGCI), The Scinnovent Centre is pleased to announce a call for Expressions of...

Financiamento disponível para melhorar a base de conhecimento sobre Mudanças Climáticas...

Financiamento disponível para melhorar a base de conhecimento sobre Mudanças Climáticas na África* Prazo: 23-set-21

“African-German Scientific Exchange in the Field of Public Health”

This initiative is a joint effort by FNI Mozambique, NSTC Zambia and the DFG, which convenes researchers in the public health sciences...

RSIF Calls for Innovative Project Proposals

RSIF Weekly - Vol.2 Issue 17 The RSIF Weekly Newsletter brings you a digest of information, news and opportunities...

Research calls and grants

The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency Sida has bilateral development cooperation with some 35 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin...