Financiamento disponível para melhorar a base de conhecimento sobre Mudanças Climáticas na África
Financiamento disponível para melhorar a base de conhecimento sobre Mudanças Climáticas na África*
Prazo: 23-set-21
“African-German Scientific Exchange in the Field of Public Health”
This initiative is a joint effort by FNI Mozambique, NSTC Zambia and the DFG, which convenes researchers in the public health sciences...
Alliance for African Partnership
The application deadline is August 2, 2021.Transforming Institutions Strategic Funding: AAP seeks proposals from AAP consortium members and their partners for activities...
Entrevista sobre Tecnologias iológicas na recuperação de solos com a Pesquisadora Sonia Guilundo
RSIF Calls for Innovative Project Proposals
RSIF Weekly - Vol.2 Issue 17
The RSIF Weekly Newsletter brings you a digest of information, news and opportunities...
Research calls and grants
The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
Sida has bilateral development cooperation with some 35 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin...