Call for proposals: Research and Grants management


The SGCI invites project proposals from organisations (including think-tanks, institutes, universities, and agencies) with proven experience and track record to support science granting councils in research management. The successful organisation will enter into an agreement with the NRF for the SGCI project to be implemented for three (3) years.

This project aims to build on work that has already been undertaken under SGCI-1 and SGCI- 2 to support SGCs to strengthen research management capacities. This work will build on and contribute to the SGCI expected outcome to support more effective research management practices among SGCs.

Bid closing date: 26 September 2022 at 11:00 (SAST)

Request for Proopsal Description:The Appointment of A Service Provider to Offer Capacity Development on Research and Grants Management For The Science Granting Councils Initiative in Sub-Saharan Africa (SGCI) For A Period Of Three Years. 
Bid Number:NRF/CORP SPP/02/2022-23
Closing Date and Closing Time:26 September 2022
11:00 am (SAST)
Electronic Submission:Size of the email (document): 20MB. If files must be split, they must be
numbered sequentially.
Emailed PDF file name format is “Bid Number / Supplier Name” Refer
Annexure A for guidance on electronic submissions.
Proposals:One attachment that contains the technical proposal and pricing
Enquiries are directed in writing to:Supply Chain Management
Pamela Ndadana
Project Manager
Puleng Tshitlho

For more information: