2024 IFC Impact Investing Challenge – competition focus Gender Climate nexus


“The 2024 IFC Impact Investing Challenge (IIC), a prestigious student competition on impact investing, is focusing this year’s theme on the Gender Climate Nexus. The competition, which will run from March to June, will involve graduate students designing a fund or other financial intermediary and suggesting an investment strategy that addresses this complex issue. The challenge presents a unique opportunity to crowdsource innovative investment ideas and solutions in this area, potentially serving as an input to WBG activity in this space. 

 Do share the opportunity with your networks, university connections, and friends. Eligibility: 

  1. Open to graduate students from IFC member countries.
  2. Team Formation: Assemble a team of up to three individuals.
  3. Idea Submission: Present your proposal focusing on the gender-climate nexus in one of the priority sectors identified by IFC. 

 More information here: https://www.ifc.org/en/about/careers/impact-Investing-challenge