SGCI call for Expressions of Interest (EoI) now open – “Foresight in Research and Innovation for Development in Africa” – Deadline 15 August 2022


The Science Granting Councils Initiative (SGCI) invites concept notes from researchers/experts with proven experience and track records to write a state-of-the-art research paper on the theme: “Foresight in Research and Innovation for Development.” The assignment will be conducted between September 2022 and February 2023 (see the appended timetable in the attached concept note).

The available budget is US$ 25,000 to cover project costs and fees. The Scinnovent Centre will enter into an agreement with the successful applicant and provide guidance, oversight and support towards the delivery of the paper and associated outputs.

Please find enclosed the concept note (in French and English) with detailed guidance on the call including objectives, scope of work, approach and context. Feel free to share within your Networks and encourage colleagues to apply. The deadline for application is 15th August 2022

Should you require any clarification or additional information, contact us on email: with a copy to before 30th July 2022

